Wherefore art thou?

Wherefore art thou?

Lord what a week. I can hardly get it all through my head, much less get any of it out there. ‘There’ is quite an odd place lately, as is ‘here’. Many things lurking in corners, and even more showing themselves by landing in my lap, and/or sneaking up behind me and tapping me on the shoulder. Not to worry though, I’m sure things will work out just fine in the end, the question is, how far away is the end? The end is Nigh? Never say never, but I don’t think it’s that close just yet.

I’m probably not making sense, but that’s for the best, it’s okay, the cheque is in the mail. Weird, weird dreams, to suit these weird, weird times of two-oh-oh-three.

One needs to get over it, the next one needs to relax, the one after that needs to work out what’s wrong and fix it, and another one needs to back the fuck up a bit. Then yet more, two more need to be honest and admit what happened. There’s a few other ones, but I think that’s enough for now.

“never before and never more
turn around and begin again.”