Old things seem new again.

I found a mother load of old writing. So I imported it all here, and then thought, what the hell, and imported all of everything here. So now you find Angelish, Masque, Dislocate, Asta di Pesca, and Politica all here under one roof – check out the Sectors – it’s all in there. Going through some of those old things, I’ve also added some more into Highlights. Oh, and I’ve added a new thing full of old stuff called The Outlet.

“The Outlet.
The Word Factory.
The Archival Repository.
The Filing Cabinet.
Call it what you will, it’s a collection of creative word-based projects.
Some poetry, some prose, some quotes, some scripts, some word art, some fictional, some creative interpretation of real events.
All © ellemhach.”

The Outlet is the collection of creative writing from 1996 onwards – if anyone remembers the poetry-as-art I was doing in Uni, this is them, as well as other things written over the years. In total, content now spans 20 years from 1996 to 2016. I can’t believe it’s been 20 years.

Looking forwards though, I’m not sure that the name ‘Politica’ suits me anymore. That may change yet. Oh, and also forwards, ‘Travel Bug’ is just a category that documents bits and pieces of the travels I have done.

hmm. last update Aug 2014.

so. oops. May have missed a couple of updates to the changelog.

I had changed it last year (Nov 2015 sometime ish) and apparently missed the changelog update to go with it; and we’re playing with templates and layouts again already. Just bored, is all.


oh, and I like Orange.


so, I got a dot-com.

All of the previous stuff has been copied over, so now I have 2 sites..with the same content…. I will eventually transfer the dot-net domain as an add-on. I think. or dot-net will become something else. Who knows?!


So, I’ve been fiddling with the design of this, the design of that, and in the process, have finally gotten design.ellemhach.net up and running.
Given that I’ve had a few things on, it has taken a while, however… we are open again. Cheers!

Oh My.

Has it really been that long?? or did I just not update the change log..?

So it was about time. has been a while since i updated.. have been neglecting you ellemhach.net even though you do so much for me. sincere apologies, but this shall be completed soon. I promise.

All joomla, all pretty with greys and burnt oranges and baroque imagery. New design folio. Moved asta; dislocate.lj has been amalgamated into politica… words, images sections will be overhauled. Going through old folders of images that were re-worked for previous designs… lots of stuffs going on.

All change

So it was about time. has been a while since i updated.. have been neglecting you ellemhach.net even though you do so much for me. sincere apologies, but this shall be completed soon. I promise.

Politica is….

Under re-development again.. back shortly.


importing some old posts from dislocate.lj – not sure why.  honestly though, there are reasons why I do things…


I can’t make sense of it, so I doubt you lot will


Awww, pretty

pretty new design. pretty new stuff too. check out the /img & /folio links – i’ve added more photos from around the place (some of them from my travels, and some from around here), and i’ve also added a page of folios of my design stuffs. screenshots of sites that i’ve designed for myself, and for other people..

and it’s all pretty white, really.

Long lost reload


yes, my domain went down for a while, but it’s back. thanks to life and what I haven’t had much of a chance to do much with the site of late, but I am yet again thinking about another redesign. Not sure what I want to do with it though, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks for the patience guys, see ya round.

New stuff sorta

Well, in a midnight frenzy. I registered a domain & hosting package. Once it’s all propagated & uploaded and whatnot, the new address shall be drum roll


so yea. I’ll let you know when that will be, and this shall be a redirector thingy. As one door closes, another one opens…

Oops, Missed a few.

right, uhm, yes, I missed a few updates here, but never mind. Since the shiny new combat green, it went white, and now it is black, and shiny new, all new! These things are sent to try us, so my apple-o-gees. I just decided that I wanted something black, and photographic, just to celebrate Maxwell & what he can do. Woohoo! Go check out the new “images” sections, and I added some stuff to “view” which used to be known as “art”. anywho.

update oops..

yea, so I’ve missed an update here.. I changed the layout to a nice , pretty blue and white one. However, I’m already starting on a major redesign. again. yes, I’m avoiding things, yes, I’m pedantic. hush now.

Current status on sites:

dis.f2g: undergoing redesign – insert ‘you are here’ reference.

dislocate.lj: recently converted to a paid account, this is my main diary site, and is regularly being redesigned, as I get bored easily.

asta.f2g: defunct, due to the hatred I developed of blogger.

asta.lj: brand-spanking-new design, as asta moves back to lj under username fishingrod.

ligature: new site currently under construction. Will host a variety (well, at least one) image & text compilation project/s.

I X O H: lj community site, for members to post anything regarding balance betwixt images, writing & emotion.

anything previous to these sites, is now defunct, closed, and forgotten about. danke for your time.


All shiny and new and combat green. I think I really have had enough of the red thing. I think I’ve had the red going for, oh, about two years now.. cough

Oh well, I’m settling down for a while in the lovely surrounds of Tropical North Queensland, so I figured that jungle greens would suit me right about now. And green is a healing colour. Why am I explaining this? Take a look around, I deleted and re-arranged, and I am yet to update…


seeing as life threw some changes at me, i’m not updating as much as i used to be. that’s not to say that i don’t have a thousand ideas for things i could be doing to this site (and others) but nonetheless, i can’t do them. yet. i’ll keep you posted..

Start Your Asta!

hmm.. after a life-induced break from online-ness, i’ve realised that asta.lj is ready to go.. if i had more time right now, i’d link it in an inset frame under words, but for now, this will do. okie, gotta go. take care kids..