
ellemhach….it’s phonetic

ellemhach is a forty-ish, educated, INTJ (Mastermind) / INFP (Idealist), Poet/Visual Mathematician, peace driven oddity… and another bloody Virgo. Also tested as a SEDL (Sober, Emotional, Destructive Leader), she’d make a great mob-boss, or dictator, albeit one in need of a level-headed peacemaker. In her own words, however, she merely states “Yea, I have a few control issues.”

She has been likened to Vlad the Impaler, though she also embodies the personification of LightCyan (#E0FFFF). You might say there’s a binary representation within her.

She’s been described as “One of those people where the left brain and the right brain are working at the same time. She’s FREAKY!”

In short, she is an open, friendly, creative, even warm soul with a good sense of humour, but daa-aam, don’t ask for a bitch-slap..

She works in employment services, and has a passion for it. She is a trainer, a writer, and sounding board. She gives great feedback, or none, if you so desire.

Odd things you may, or may not want to know:

She has dangerously pointy elbows

She tends to change hair colour about every three months

She has an unnatural ability to attract freaks, though the freak magnet has slowed a little of late

She has insane, vivid, intense and occasionally prophetic dreams

She was an artist, not a painter – she hasn’t been making any art lately, though creativity is essential in her work

She’s had odd nicknames.. phantom, spanky, angel, angie, bunny toes, fishing rod, little bitch, grandpa simpson of the office..

This is she, ellemhach.

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